What Box?

Overtime, in our pursuit of problem solving [design or otherwise], we've all been encouraged to think outside the box.

I wonder though, would we be more successful if we didn't make thinking outside a box a design criterion. What if we approached design thinking more from -

Box? What Box?

The vision of this web presence [a work in progress] is to share ideas on how to merge DesignThinking with Technology Thinking without starting from an existing box.

Exploring XR

Cross-Reality [XR] includes Augmented Reality [AR], Virtual Reality [VR] and Mixed Reality [MR].

All of these areas are maturing owing to development of software and hardware.

A growing number of disciplines are integrating XR into their organizations improving workflow, employee training and safety, products, customer loyalty and their bottom line. The success and failure stories in this area will guide others who are exploring XR employment.

This section's intend is to show how XR can be used. These examples include concepts and outcomes from grants. The intent is to inspire and encourage the use of Design Thinking with Technology Thinking.

Learn About Cars
Connor's Garage
AR 'Learning'
AR How To Make Coffee
In The Cup
AR 'How-To'
You Build App
You Build
AR 'How-To'
You Build App
AR 'For Fun'
Protein Explorer
Protein Explorer
AR 'Learning Module'
Chainsaw Safety
Chainsaw Safety
AR 'Training Module'
Personal Protective Equipment
AR 'Training Module'
Pain Recognition
Pain Recognition
VR 'Training Module'
Design A Playground
Aura Planning
Design A Playground [WebGL]
Site Selection
Aura Planning
Site Selection [WebGL]
Hem R
Gait Analysis
AR PT Study Tool
Hem R
Physio U
Virtiual Clinic [WebGL]
BLAZE: Suburb
EDEN Grant
BLAZE: Suburb [WebGL]
Forest Workforce Safety
SHIP Grant
Forest Workforce Safety [WebGL]

Conceptually, I am exploring small footprint age-in-place housing design. I am addressing a gap in the housing market that can be placed in urban, suburban and rural zones.

  • Concept:
    • Low Impact Living
  • Vision:
    • Explore low impact, cost efficient living environments for age-in-place residents.
  • Mission:
    • Create multiple housing concepts to explore low impact/age in place living and promote discussion in this gap area.


Concept F
Concept F
Concept G
Concept G
Concept H
Concept H
Concept J
Concept J
Concept L
Concept L
About Me
  • I have been working in creative fields since the late 1970's.
  • I began in architecture working with residential, commercial, recreational and industrial design.
  • 1991, I joined the College of Art and Architecture [University of Idaho] as their Computer Studio Director, responsible for facility oversight and integration of design technologies into the design process.
  • 2001 I co-founded the Virtual Technology and Design [VTD] program at the University of Idaho.
    • As a VTD faculty member I teach:
        • 3rd Year Design
        • Capstone Design [Entrepreneurial Track]
        • XR Technologies
    • My research includes the integration of XR training and education.
Professional Timeline